Youth Compose And Document A Song In 2 Days

Further particulars in a future commercial. Mr. Hogue remained at his home till witness left; he could not have been out any size of time without witness knowing it. Mr. Purefoy addressed the jury for Gaggin, regretting that he should need to defend a younger man of such character and connexions from such a cost. The entire case depended solely on the evidence of Campbell.

Mr. G. V. Brooke was very friendly with the old gentleman and his dainty little wife. Mr. Belfield as a businessman was held in much esteem. He was a master tailor in business in Sydney when he retired from the stage, and at one time saved the Victoria Hotel, which adjoined the old Victoria Theatre in Pitt avenue. Likewise he attempted to construct a theatre in Oxford-street, but failed.

the predecessors of Messrs. Allan and Co. – On the 6th inst., at his late residence, Dalmeny, Heyington-road, Toorak, William Henderson Glen, the dearly beloved husband of Eliza Glen, aged 66 160 Eagle Creek Road, WEROMBI NSW 2570 Australia years. A patient sufferer gone to relaxation.

Tippitywitchet, a comic book music, was delivered by Mr. Levey, and excited much mirth. Mr. Gee performed a solo on the clarionet, in his traditional masterly method. Your informant evidently does not identified concerto, or air with variations, from an Overture, and the skills of performers, and the merits of the music at a Concert, should in fact in such cases be very unwell criticised.

Tyrone Power, son of the celebrated tragedian, to Mr. Gilfillan, artist, of this city, relating to a portray of a scene in a New Zealand pah, announcing that it had arrived too late for this years’ exhibition of the Royal Academy. It had been accredited and accepted, but was shut out for need of room,

Isabella MELODIA

The Lanka Quadrilles are as lively, tuneful, and rhythmical as could possibly be wished. With regimental commander Waddy’s support, Gassner involved himself and his band in a welter of philanthropic causes, taking part in at events to boost funds for, among others, St. Vincent’s Hospital and the Catherine Hayes Hospital, and training a band made up of boys from the Destitute Children’s Asylum. By October 1866 the headquarters of the regiment (“The Queen’s Own”) with Gassner and band had relocated to Sydney.

Altogether the performance was decidedly successful. The “Minstrels” hold a second entertainment this evening, with a whole change of programme, when, likely, they will receive the in depth patronage their capability entitles them to. The Company is actually worthy of encouragement. The good of us of Deloraine may have a possibility of hearing these really intelligent artistes on Saturday night subsequent, and we heartily commend them to their patronage.

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the warlike strains of a navy band, the music of praise in the House of God, could not fail to arrest the minds of, and awaken most pleasurable emotions in, the hearts of all. Music, aside from all written types, existed within the paradise of nature. James Leith Barron, barman, Light-square – Saw the male prisoner on Wednesday morning, about half past seven o’clock; he left a bundle behind the bar saying he would call for it once more on his return from Norwood,

The College Of Sydney –

and Charles William Glover, each in style song composers, ever visited Australia, though a lot of their songs have been popular here. Glogoski – On the 4th August, on the Wanganui Hospital, Mary Jane, spouse of Samuel Glogoski, of Durietown; aged forty five. The reading of the letters being concluded, the toasts of the night had been proceeded with.

He had ordered the spoons and forks to be engraved. Sir, – Since writing on the above matter last yr sure information have come to mild which some of your readers may affirm or in any other case. I even have from Mr. Windebank, of Fitzroy, violin skilled, who was a pal of the late John Brown, violin maker, of Swanston-street,

– Application to be made on the Sydney Academy, Macquarie-street. N. B.- For Sale, Chambaud’s Dictionary, French and English, in 4 Volumes.